Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ken’s Tough Times Investment Tip

The world’s economic plight continues. The housing market continues to fall, the stock market is in yo-yo mode, and a logical investment plan is drastically needed.

I consulted my crystal ball and am ready to unveil my very best investment idea. Most people do not want to risk a lot of money, so they are searching for low cost opportunities. They are avoiding mortgages because of Fanny and Freddie and not borrowing because of bank mismanagement. They are staying away from Wall Street, wary of OPEC and you can’t even get in on the ground floor of a good Ponzi scheme anymore!

I actually learned the basis of my investment strategy from an old man I met from Chicago. He was very down-to-earth and told me that his basic stock portfolio contained only one kind of stock. He believed that the best stocks to buy were those companies that produced commodities that you could eat. No matter how tough times can get, people always need to eat and therefore he only bought food company stocks. His portfolio included such stocks as Kraft, Heinz, Betty Crocker, General Mills and Robin Hood. Not a bad idea when you think about it.

My best investment advice is to invest all that you can in cans – of Campbell’s Soup. Canned soup is the ultimate wise investment. Each week I advise my clients to buy a case of soup from a wholesale food outlet. A basement full of cases of canned soup is your best hedge against hard times, recession and even potential depression.

If we sink into a depression, a can of Campbell’s Tomato Soup will become the equivalent of a gold coin during the Middle Ages. A can of soup can be traded for clothes, firewood, fresh produce or transportation. It will become the most sought after and valued currency of the day. In a real pinch, it can ultimately provide food and what greater need will we possibly have during very hard times. He who has the soup will have the power.

Canned soup also has the advantage of a long shelf life and being easy to prepare. A can opener and a little hot water (think melted snow) and you will be able to carry on during the toughest of hard economic times. If you want to get fancy you could stock up on other canned goods but soup is the key to survival.

Feel free to pass my advice on to friends. I only charge one can of soup for each of your referrals!

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