Friday, May 15, 2009

Random Thoughts and Ramblings

Some days my brain gets away from me. It just takes off without permission and begins to explore issues and questions that some times even surprise me. For example:

• I really wonder if the Goodyear Blimp that hovers above most American sporting events is really necessary. Does anyone really care if they can view Yankee Stadium or a Super Bowl game from a camera a thousand feet in the air? I know I can live without it, can you?

• When you wash dishes do you often find that dried on egg yolk is still stuck to a plate even after a half hour high temperature scrubbing? Why doesn’t someone develop a car paint or house paint that contains egg yolk that would be as durable and permanent as old egg on a plate?

• In a similar vain, everyone has tried to exterminate the indestructible dandelion from their lawns. Without a doubt, the dandelion always prevails. Can some genius botanist not combine the stamina and resilience of the dandelion with useful vegetables like peas and carrots to provide us with a never-ending quantity of these desirable veggies instead of that persistent, aggravating, little yellow weed?

• Canadians love their hockey. All hockey games are officiated by referees who will call penalties for infractions of the rules such as tripping or holding. How come in the hockey playoffs the offences that are not allowed during the season are acceptable in the playoffs? I don’t buy the stupid explanation that in the playoffs there is more at stake. A penalty is a penalty, in October or in May, in my humble opinion. Isn’t it?

• In recent years, airlines have stopped providing meals on most flights. Consequently thousands of employees around the world who prepared, packaged and delivered meals to the thousands of daily flights became unemployed. Does anyone remember any of these workers or companies screaming for a government bailout or exorbitant compensation? I don’t!

• Back to hockey again! Did you know that the random drug testing of players, which is required during the regular season, is not carried out during the hockey playoffs? Can anyone provide a logical explanation? It’s kind of like saying that shoplifting is illegal but on Sunday the store will be open and there will be no staff working. Help yourself if you want, no one is watching!

• And finally, I would like to nominate the spaghetti squash for Vegetable of The Year. It is relatively unknown and is one of Mother Nature’s best-kept secrets. Simply cut it in half, steam it for twenty minutes, scrape out the spaghetti-like interior and you have the best pasta alternative that I know. It provides for a non-carbohydrate Italian dinner in minutes!

If anyone should happen to encounter my mind wandering somewhere in their neighborhood, would you please return it. I sometimes get lonely without it!

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